JFE Startup and Tech Rooftop Mixer LA

JFE Network is excited to bring our community together for a rooftop networking mixer in Beverly Glen, LA, with views overlooking the city!

Please join us for networking and a great time connecting with our startup and tech network on Thursday, September 7th, 2023.

Early bird tickets end on August 14th at this link

JFE Networking mixers bring together LA's top startup founders, technologists, and business professionals in the Jewish community. If you're looking for co-founders to launch a startup or new career opportunities in tech, then you should join us!

Many of our attendees formed deep relationships, hired each other, or started companies together.

JFE (Jews For Entrepreneurship) Network

For those who don't know about us, JFE (Jews For Entrepreneurship organization) is the leading and only organization that supports Jewish innovation and entrepreneurship worldwide.

Since our launch in 2009, we have hosted over 120 events, including pitch events, seminars, speaker panels, startup accelerators, pitches for series A companies, career fairs, and networking mixers.

Please read about us in our Facebook groups:

Main Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/143307866703/

LA Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/152694527339


Website: www.jfenetwork.com


JFE Startup and Tech Mixer LA Rooftop Mixer Feb 27, 2024


JFE Startup and Tech Mixer LA -Spring Mixer